The well-known fascia researcher Luigi Stecco wrote “Fascia is the only tissue that modifies its consistency when under stress (plasticity) and which is capable of regaining its elasticity when subjected to manipulation (malleability)” (2004)
Fascia is an uninterrupted viscoelastic tissue which forms a 3-dimensional matrix. It wraps around all structures of the body such as muscles, organs, tendons and even bones. Discussions about the definition of Fascia are still ongoing in terms of the definition of the nomenclature. In my opinion, the fascia can be seen as an organ since the fascia fulfills different functions depending on its location. For example, the fascia wrapping around the muscles has other functions than the fascia around the kidneys. Even if it is uninterrupted, the nomenclature of the myofascia according to the muscles it is surrounding, makes sense, since we have to define exactly what we are examining and laying our focus on.
To treat the myofascial system (we can never treat either muscles or fascia, we always treat them together), I have different tools and methods. With help of a method developed by Liza Kimble, Equine Fascia and Trauma Release Therapy (EFTR®) I can release even mental tensions in the horse.
For this we have to understand that every stress and every trauma is “stored” within our bodies. For horses a stress or a trauma could mean, to move to another stable, the transition to another owner, the loss of a friend in the herd due to death or the friend moved.
All these (negative) events in the horse’s life can be released and reduced by the EFTR®-Method.
When I observe and feel stronger muscle tensions, I apply patterns of vibration by a handheld device (such as Atlasbalans).
I also apply a manual myofascial tool from Fasciq®