About me

My name is Karen Wild and I am holding a PhD in biology with a focus on neurophysiology and anatomy. Following my thesis, I worked as a research/teaching assistant at the Institute of Anatomy and Cellular Neuroanatomy at the University of Ulm.

Through my training and studies in biology and anatomy, I can easily comprehend movement and physiological processes and have a deep understanding of muscle tone, pain, muscle tension and proprioception.

In 2010, I also obtained the Equine Sports Massage Therapist diploma and have been the owner of my company “Hands for Horses Sweden” since then.

More than 40 years of experience with horses in Germany and Sweden have shown me how important it is to have a relaxed and balanced horse. It is a basic requirement for fluid movement and harmonious riding.

The Equine Sports Massage Therapist education includes the anatomy of the horse, its muscle and digestive physiology, animal nutrition, movement analysis, training sessions and their effects.

Take advantage of my knowledge, experience and training to ensure that your horse is treated in the best possible way to ensure its long-term health.

In addition, I do not work exclusively with muscles, but also with fascia, an important connective tissue that contributes not only to mobility but also to mental health. I offer Equine Fascia Trauma Release (EFTR®) Therapy for this purpose.

This form of therapy is not yet widespread and therapists who can offer this technique are rare here in the Stockholm area.

I also work with proprioception, an important element of self-awareness of the body. As mentioned above, I also work therefore with the fascia using manual techniques, but also with Kinesio tape.

Feel free to contact me if you would like to find out more about me or make an appointment.

If you are further interested in fascia, especially research and scientific insights about fascia, please visit also my new homepage The Fasciaspecialist